48-Hour Content Creation Course
- Description
- Curriculum
- Notice
- Reviews
Every day people from around the world earn money posting content on social media, this course was created to teach people how to create content, build confidence, and help students create content virtually.Â
Spark TV has created a content creation course that teaches people how to create content, from writing the script to recording and editing content, students who complete the program will create 6 projects, virtual class time is 48 hours over the course of 12 weeks.
The course is designed to teach the assembly of creating content and help students build confidence and overcome fear and procrastination.
This course is for anyone who would like to create content for social media.
Content that is created in this course can be used for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, SparkTV.net, YouTube, and other social media.
The cost of the program is only $20 an hour.
Students will be taught the following.
- Build Confidence
- What is your why?
- Determining your Niche
- Basics in WritingÂ
- How to create a list of camera setups, and an overhead floor plan
- Producing
- Directing
- Equipment Choices
- How to Record content with a smartphone
- How to edit and add, a voiceover, text, and music.
Classes meet virtually on Monday and Thursday, for 2 hours each day,
Homework is required after each class, during the week.
2Week 1, Monday Lesson - How to overcome Fear and Procrastination2 HOURS
How to overcome Fear and Procrastination.
3Week 1, Monday Homework - What is your why? Video recording Assignment:Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 1, Monday Lesson - How to overcome Fear and Procrastination" before accessing it.
What is your why? Video recording Assignment:
4Week 1, Thursday Class: The importance of consistent.Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 1, Monday Lesson - How to overcome Fear and Procrastination" before accessing it.
We speak about the importance of being consistent.
5Week 2, Monday Class - What is your why? Writing Assignment1 HOUR
What is your why? Week 1 writting Assignment.
6Week 2, Monday Homework - What is your why? Video recording Assignment.Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 2, Monday Class - What is your why? Writing Assignment" before accessing it.
What is your why? Video recording Assignment.
7Week 2, Thursday Class - How to remember your goals and review answers from Monday's classSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 2, Monday Class - What is your why? Writing Assignment" before accessing it.
 Review answers from Monday's class
8Week 3, Monday Class - How to find your niche.2 HOURS
How to find your niche, if you aren’t interested in what you are filming, then you will never film anything.
9Week 3, Monday Homework - How to find your niche, video recording assignment.Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 3, Monday Class - How to find your niche." before accessing it.
How to find your niche video recording assignment.
10Week 3, Thursday Class - How to Find Your Niche, Writing AssignmentSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 3, Monday Class - How to find your niche." before accessing it.
Week 3, Thursday Class - How to Find Your Niche, Writing Assignment
11Week 3, Thursday Homework - How to Find Your Niche, Recording Assignment.Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 3, Monday Class - How to find your niche." before accessing it.
Week 3, Thursday Homework - How to Find Your Niche, Recording Assignment.
12Week 5, Monday Class, Write your script with a script writing software named Celtix. Home work: Write your script2 HOURS
- Write your script with a script writing software named Celtix.
- Homework: Write your script
13Week 5, Monday HomeworkSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 5, Monday Class, Write your script with a script writing software named Celtix. Home work: Write your script" before accessing it.
- Homework: Write your script using celtix
14Week 5, Thursday Class, Review your script, take notes, and make adjustmentsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 5, Monday Class, Write your script with a script writing software named Celtix. Home work: Write your script" before accessing it.
- Review your script, take notes, and make adjustments.Â
15Week 5, Thursday HomeworkSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 5, Monday Class, Write your script with a script writing software named Celtix. Home work: Write your script" before accessing it.
- Rewrite your script.
16Week 4, Monday Class Activity: How to write compelling content. How to form an idea and create an outline1 hour
How to write compelling content for episodes, record content you would watch, and relate to people like yourself.Â
17Week 4, Monday Homework, form your idea and write your outline.Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 4, Monday Class Activity: How to write compelling content. How to form an idea and create an outline" before accessing it.
Form your idea and write your outline.
18Week 4, Thursday Class: Learn the basics in Celtixs Writing software, review Ideas and Story Outlines,Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 4, Monday Class Activity: How to write compelling content. How to form an idea and create an outline" before accessing it.
Week 4, Thursday Class: Learn the basics in Celtixs Writing software, review Ideas and Story Outlines,
19Week 4, Thursday Homework - Write your script with a script writing software.Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 4, Monday Class Activity: How to write compelling content. How to form an idea and create an outline" before accessing it.
Week 4, Thursday Homework - Write your script with a script writing software.
20Week 6, Monday Lesson - How to create a shot list and over head floor map for your script.2 HOURS
How to create a shot list for your script. We will go over what shots are and what camera movement is. Home work: How to make a shot list with camera movement. How to create an overhead floor map.
21Week 6, Monday Homework - Finish writing your script, visualize the shots that you will use when you record the footage, write them down, we will review in the next class.Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 6, Monday Lesson - How to create a shot list and over head floor map for your script." before accessing it.
Finish writing your script, visualize the shots that you will use when you record the footage, write them down, we will review in the next class.
22Week 6, Thursday Lesson - How to create a setup list, line the script and create an overhead floor plan.Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 6, Monday Lesson - How to create a shot list and over head floor map for your script." before accessing it.
How to create a setup list, line the script, and create an overhead floor plan.
23Week 6, Thursday Homework - Line your script, and create an overhead floor plan.Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 6, Monday Lesson - How to create a shot list and over head floor map for your script." before accessing it.
Thursday Homework - Line your script, and create an overhead floor plan.
24Week 7, Monday Class - Review camera setups, and floor plan2 HOURS
Week 7, Monday Class - Review camera setups, and floorplan
25Week 7, Monday Homework, Make final adjustmentsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 7, Monday Class - Review camera setups, and floor plan" before accessing it.
Week 7, Monday Homework, Make final adjustments
26Week 7, Thursday Class - How to choose EquipmentSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 7, Monday Class - Review camera setups, and floor plan" before accessing it.
Week 7, Thursday Class - How to Choose Equipment
27Week 7, Thursday Homework - Watch content from 10 different creators.Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Week 7, Monday Class - Review camera setups, and floor plan" before accessing it.
Thursday Homework - Watch content from 10 different creators guess the following.
28Week 9, Monday Class - How to record your content with a smartphone.2 HOURS
How to record your content with a smartphone.
29Week 9, Monday Homework - Record your 1st Project2 HOURS
Monday Homework - Record your 1st Project.
30Week 9, Thursday Class - Review project, make adjustments.Text lesson
Thursday Class - Review project, make adjustments, new camera setups.
31Week 9, Thursday Homework - Record 1st Project AgainText lesson
Thursday Homework - Record 1st Project Again
32Week 8, Monday Class Pt. 1 - What does a producer do when creating content for social media?1 HOUR
Week 8, Monday Class Pt. 1 - What does a producer do when creating content for social media?
33Week 8, Monday Class Pt. 2 - What does a director do when creating content for social media?1 hour
Week 8, Monday Class Pt. 2 - What does a director do when creating content for social media?
34Week 8, Thursday Class - The importance of continuity2 HOURS
We will talk about the importance of continuity, be careful when recording something that can only be recorded once.
35Week 8, Thursday Homework - The importance of continuity2 HOURS
Thursday Homework - The importance of continuity
36Week 10, Monday Class - How to edit with a Smart PhoneWeek 9, Monday Class - How to edit with a Smart Phone
Monday Class - How to edit with a Smart Phone
37Week 10, Monday Homework - Edit your footage with a Smart Phone2 HOURS
Monday Homework - Edit your footage with a Smart Phone
38Week 10, Thursday Class - Review, How to edit with a Smart Phone2 HOURS
Thursday Class - Review, How to edit with a Smart Phone, talk about changes.
39Week 10, Thursday Homework - Re-edit your footage with a Smart Phone2 HOURS
Thursday Homework - Re-edit your footage with a Smart Phone
40Week 11, Monday Class - Review 1st Project, make changes2 HOURS
Review 1st Project, make changes.
41Week 11, Monday Homework - 2nd Project: Create a new idea, Write a script, Create shot list,4-8 HOURS
Monday Homework - 2nd Project: Create a new idea, Write a script, Create shot list,
42Week 11, Thursday Class - Review 2nd Project, make changes2 HOURS
Review 2nd Project, Script, Shot Lista, and make changes.
43Week 11, Thursday Homework - Record Your 2nd Project.2 HOURS
Thursday Homework - Record Your 2nd Project.
44Week 12, Monday Class Monday Class - Review all projects and talk about their progression and how they feel about their work.2 HOURS
Review all projects and talk about their progression and how they feel about their work.
45Week 12, Thursday Class - Students receive their certificate of achievement2 HOURS
Students receive their certificate of achievement
There are no returns on your money.

Students will be taught the following.
- Build Confidence
- What is your why?
- Determining your Niche
- Basics in WritingÂ
- How to create a list of camera setups, and an overhead floor plan
- Producing
- Directing
- Equipment Choices
- How to Record content with a smartphone
- How to edit and add, a voiceover, text, and music.
Classes meet virtually on Monday and Thursday, for 2 hours each day,
Homework is required after each class, during the week.
Spark TV requires all students to have to desire to learn how to make content.
- Students need to have an open mind, and be teachable.
- Have a positive attitude.
- Have 6-10 hours a week to learn how to make content and make content
- Be availble for class time every Monday and Thursday from 6pm-8pm Pacific time.
- Have a Gmail account so that they can attend classes virtuall on Google Meet.
- Have a fast internet connect.
- Have a smart phone, or smart tablet to record and edit footage.
- Have storage on your device.
Spark TV requires each student to have the desire to learn how to create content for social media.
16+ years old